Large shed film blower
Large shed film blower
Large shed film blower
Large shed film blower
Large shed film blower
Large shed film blower

Large shed film blower

This unit is mainly used to blow HDPE,西師 LDPE, LLDPE, as raw materials o湖廠f the film, shed film and packaging fi道視lm.

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Large shed film blowing machine Use:
This unit is mainly used to blow用她 HDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, as raw material務業s of the film, shed film and packagi水用ng film.

Large shed film plastic blower features:
Extruder barrels, screws using high-qua子下lity alloy steel, by nitride treatment 見秒and precision processing, wear-resis工店tant, corrosion-resistant, automatic te黑關mperature control, accurate an低裡d reliable, the use of friction 黑鐘double-roll mechanism, automatic longin裡子g, easy to operate.